full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Eve Gaus and Vanessa Ruiz: Why is pneumonia so dangerous?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Otherwise healthy adtlus can often mgnaae pnemoiuna at home. But for some groups, pneumonia can be a lot more severe, requiring hospitalization and oxygen, artificial ventilation, or other supportive measures while the body fights the infection. Smoking damages the cilia, making them less able to caelr even the normal aonumt of mucus and secretions, let alone the increased volume associated with pneumonia. Genetic and autoimmune disorders can make someone more susceptible to phneagots that can cause pneumonia. ynoug children and the elderly also have impaired clearance and weaker immune systems. And if someone has vrail pneumonia, their risk of bacterial respiratory infection is higher.

Open Cloze

Otherwise healthy ______ can often ______ _________ at home. But for some groups, pneumonia can be a lot more severe, requiring hospitalization and oxygen, artificial ventilation, or other supportive measures while the body fights the infection. Smoking damages the cilia, making them less able to _____ even the normal ______ of mucus and secretions, let alone the increased volume associated with pneumonia. Genetic and autoimmune disorders can make someone more susceptible to _________ that can cause pneumonia. _____ children and the elderly also have impaired clearance and weaker immune systems. And if someone has _____ pneumonia, their risk of bacterial respiratory infection is higher.


  1. young
  2. manage
  3. adults
  4. pathogens
  5. viral
  6. clear
  7. amount
  8. pneumonia

Original Text

Otherwise healthy adults can often manage pneumonia at home. But for some groups, pneumonia can be a lot more severe, requiring hospitalization and oxygen, artificial ventilation, or other supportive measures while the body fights the infection. Smoking damages the cilia, making them less able to clear even the normal amount of mucus and secretions, let alone the increased volume associated with pneumonia. Genetic and autoimmune disorders can make someone more susceptible to pathogens that can cause pneumonia. Young children and the elderly also have impaired clearance and weaker immune systems. And if someone has viral pneumonia, their risk of bacterial respiratory infection is higher.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
mucociliary escalator 3
carbon dioxide 2
white blood 2

Important Words

  1. adults
  2. amount
  3. artificial
  4. autoimmune
  5. bacterial
  6. body
  7. children
  8. cilia
  9. clear
  10. clearance
  11. damages
  12. disorders
  13. elderly
  14. fights
  15. genetic
  16. groups
  17. healthy
  18. higher
  19. home
  20. hospitalization
  21. immune
  22. impaired
  23. increased
  24. infection
  25. lot
  26. making
  27. manage
  28. measures
  29. mucus
  30. normal
  31. oxygen
  32. pathogens
  33. pneumonia
  34. requiring
  35. respiratory
  36. risk
  37. secretions
  38. severe
  39. smoking
  40. supportive
  41. susceptible
  42. systems
  43. ventilation
  44. viral
  45. volume
  46. weaker
  47. young